Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trip to the Operahouse.

Today Kylie, John, Sylvia, and Cory were going to the opera, but Cory backed out because he told me he didn't have clothes. He told Kylie he wanted to read a sci-fi book. He his roommate Ernest he had homework to do. Apparently he didn't want to go to the opera but couldn't settle on one excuse so he used all of them. But I decided to go since Kylie had the tickets already.

Our tickets were for a 2 o'clock opera. Just before we got to the opera I thought out loud, "we're going to a matinee opera. This might not be very good." Then we got to the opera house, which was nice, and there were tons of kids there. John said this could be bad, but we went and found our box. Then the stage looked like some middle school play. It had basketball hoops, lots of balls on the floor and the background looked like bleachers. Oh crap. And we couldn't see since we were behind some people in our box. Unexpected right? I thought boxes were good seats, but not always.

It started, and wasn't very good. Well, for a children's theatre production, which it was, it was ok. Then one guy got the crowd to join in making animal noises. That was enough. I'd heard opera was bad, but that was pathetic. As John said, it's an acquired taste. Definitely haven't acquired it so far. We left at intermission. Kylie promises to actually check what we're seeing the next time we go to the opera.

On the bright side, it cost 5 dollars each and the opera house was really nice. And we couldn't really expect to see a legit opera on the 125th anniversary of the house's opening, which was today.


So everyone is on the same page here is the cast of Characters:

Francis: It's me, but I also go by Franky, that story will come up soon
John: My roommate from UChicago. Likes categories, (its a math thing, don't ask). Also goes by Johnnie, that is in the same story as my nickname
Claire, Cory, Ernest, Daisy: Kids that go to Carleton
Kylie: Daisy's roommate
Sylvia: Claire's roommate

K, thats good for now, don't forget. And I know more people than this but the will be introduced as needed.
So, since I've been in Hungary for almost 4 weeks, the posts for a while will be a little messed up chronologically. But it will be ok.


So, there were so many ridiculous things happening in Budapest and I had such great opinions on all of them that it was suggested I start an ironic/sarcastic blog about my term in Hungary. So that's what I'm doing. Enjoy.